Our logo-sm™ Facilities

Field and on the farm research and testing facilities

logo-sm™ offers our clients GLP certified field and on the farm statistical research and testing facilities. Data is generated securely and confidentially in an unbiased scientific manner.

Statistical scientific data is generated relating to insect, nematode, disease and weed control on a wide variety of plants including fruit trees, vegetables, berries, nuts, row crops, forestry, seeds and turf.

For more information please click on the adjacent picture

Laboratory analytical facilities.

logo-sm™ offers our clients GLP accredited laboratory facilities. To ensure the quality of analytical processes, procedures and results the laboratories adhere to the ISO 17025 standard which details the quality policies and procedures required of an accredited laboratory.

The laboratories have the following facilities:

Residue analysis Microbiology
Nematode research Disease diagnosis

For more information please click on the adjacent picture.

Laboratory mechanical
micro-milling and formulating facilities

logo-sm™ is able to assist our clients in the improvement of product efficacy and stability through the introduction of various micro-milling and other mechanical manufacturing techniques.

We offer laboratory development facilities in laboratories that are equipped with small scale replicates of actual factory equipment.

For more information please click on the adjacent picture.